Poems Of My Heart

Friday, December 5, 2008

beauty and ugly

Gaze at me and you will see an ugly silhouette,
but quest my midst and you will see a beauty within.
Look at my countenance and you will see inferiority,
but look at my heart and you will see great superiority.
Reflect on a mirror and you will see fairness,
but touch your heart and you will see formidable dirt.
Face on a profound water and you will see tenderness,
but seek yourself and you will never find it.
Because you never try to adore God's creation,
you never appreciate some of His masterpieces,
you only praise the charm of your looks,
and tend to forget the pleasure of camaraderie.
One day you'll wake up and find yourself
in the middle of nowhere.
Nothing visible, the entire vicinity is dim
Nobody to talk to, nothing to entice the gloom.
But try to love all the good fruits around you,
never find ugliness in everything you perceive.
You will see yourself and evreything magnificently alluring,
in this paradise of reality - where beauty is within and
ugliness is cast out.



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